Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

My Photo
Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another Day, Another Dollar

Well here it is Wednesday.

Nothing too exciting happening. It's raining outside which is good becasue it means it's not snowing. My boss didn't show up to work again but I managed to find myself enough stuff to do to keep myself sort of busy. I'm tempted to go home early and say I'm sick. I really don't want to be here.

I didn't do much last night. Jesse went to youth and I washed the new scratchy sheets with vinegar in the wash and a whole dryer sheet. They're a little softer but still not nice by any means.

I'm listening to Eva Avila talk on the radio right now because she's in town for the Juno's (which are actually in Saskatoon). I'd love to go to the Juno's but I'm not up at 6 in the morning to enter the radio contest.

I have a headache. Sorry if I'm kinda random and not making any sense.

Maybe I'll go play canasta on yahoo games for an hour then go home.

2 days left :)


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life Outside Work

So here is some of that promised info about my life that has nothing to do with work.

Just a warning: I have now officially reached the level of boredom where my brain no longer works so you may have to bear with me.

Let's see...

Well to start off with the weather was FANTASTIC here this weekend. I wore my first sandals, drank my first Frappucino (mmmm....Starbucks.....sorry slipped into a coma there for a sec), and drove with the car windows down for the first time this year. It was great. Jesse and I spent most of the weekend hopping around town doing some shopping. We're looking for a new laptop for me (mine is kaput!) and trying to decide if we can justify buying one just because my old one is broken seeing as I don't have a job and I'm not in school anymore. I think we will buy one though because Jesse doesn't like to share his computer (he's a geek you see) and we have a good income tax return coming (we hope). We also bought a few other things this weekend like a new duvet cover and some curtains for the bedroom (that didn't fit so we have to take them back). We tried new sheets last night that we bought ages ago and then tried to return but they wouldn't let us so we kept them, they were so scratchy and uncomfortable that I'm going to wash them tonight and hope that they get better - I may even use fabric softener.

We went to a movie yesterday called Because I Said So - we went to see it because the guy on Canada AM gave it negative 3 stars and I just had to see what was so bad about it because it looked okay to me. I watched it and thought it was fine - not great but a solid chick movie, Jesse thought it as too over the top. Maybe I won't listen to the Canada AM guy anymore.

On a future kind of note we got a message today from J and we're supposedly doing a potluck thing at her and Ethan's on Friday along with Jill and Jordon (which is a miracle in itself seeing as we haven't see hide nor hair of them since they got married). It sounds fun but squishy - not a lot of space there, we should really be doing it at Jill and Jordon's.

In the further future is Easter coming up, hopefully Jesse will get a lot of hours that weekend seeing as we're not going anywhere or doing anything besides maybe J and Ethan's again. Then on Easter Monday is my nephew's B-Day party in the park which should be fun. Then (as long as I don't have a job by then) we're going out to Calgary for 5 days to a week leaving sometime that week maybe the 14th or 15th of April. Jesse's parents are so nuts excited to see us. It will be good. Jesse's Dad (Ben not Dave his "real" Dad)said he might take us to Rosebud for dinner theatre and he definitely promised me a trip to Olive Garden which is my most favorite restaurant of all time.

Well the phone just rang and now I actually have some work to do so I may as well go do it. Talk to you all later :)


Monday, March 26, 2007

Almost 6 Down...4 To Go

So here it is, Monday of the last week of my job.
I'm happy because I don't want to be here (yes "here" - I am blogging from work again today) but I'm also feeling a little bit guilty because jobs are one of those necessities of life that not too many people enjoy but they do them anyways. Maybe I should have stuck with it. Then again I am having a better than average day at work today because I here all by myself and will be again tomorrow. It takes the edge off and makes the day more stress free. On Friday I would have given all of my hair not to be here. It was the Region 9 festival on Friday (and Saturday for that matter but I wasn't here) and it was stressful because it was the Middle Years Festival a month and a half ago that caused my boss to go all schizo on me and make a dream job a hellish wasteland. Also I went through the whole day wondering where I was supposed to be and what was expected of me because technically we were not hosting it and therefore should not have had much to do with it. It's also really weird because Darlene has been treating me A LOT better since I quit. I don't know if it's becasue things have slowed down or because Jean is no longer here to be best friends with or because she's happy that she finally got rid of me as an employee and so she really doesn't care about what I do anymore but all of a sudden everything is happy-go-lucky with her and I'm her new best chum. I am SO not comfortable with that. I don't want to let my guard down just that she can go in for the kill - it's a classic war tactic. I just never know where I stand with her and it's frustrating - but should I care this much? I mean she's just my boss but also my only collegue and I have to spend all my time with her.


There I've stopped caring (I hope)!

Perhaps I'll blog later with news about the other parts of my life like how NICE the weather is and our upcoming trip to Calgary (assuming I don't get another job before then).

Ciao everyone!

Monday, March 19, 2007


I only have a few minutes but some of you have been asking questions so I thought I would elaborate on my last blog (did you like the music? - I love having a geek for a husband).

Yes, I quit my job.
No, my boss is not actually dead (but one can hope).
No, I'm not actually finished - I have 2 weeks yet, I wanted to see this job through until the end of festival and have enough time to rack up a few more bucks on my health coverage.

That's about the gist of it - I just feel so free!
I just need to find another job now :)


Sunday, March 18, 2007

I QUIT!!!!!!


Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Who I Am - I Guess

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Japanese Monkey Turkeys

Did you know? Japanese orchards owners keep turkeys in their orchards to chase the monkeys away. Can you picture that?

Should You Quit Your Job Quiz

Here's my results for a blogthing quiz that I found. You can take it yourself by clicking on the link at the bottom.


Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 78%

Your job is a total bummer, and probably the worst job you've ever had.
Your co-workers stink. Your boss is a jerk. And your company is probably in trouble.
Think about finding a new job quickly, even if it's just a not-so-great transition job.
You've got to get out of there as quickly as you can!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Ranty and Negative

Well now that I know that people actually check my blog on a regular basis I just may have to try harder to do it more - but don't count on it unless I quit my job and am home a lot more often.
I hate my job!
No - that's not true I actually like my job, it's challenging and well suited to my skills and the hours are great - I just hate my boss. Have you ever had to spent all day every day stuck in a room alone with someone who hates you but you have to be nice and do whatever they say anyways? That's my life everyday. It should be considered some form of heinous Chinese torture or something. I would have quit ages ago except we need the money and I'm too chicken to quit. You see the bad part about quitting is the actual quitting part - going up to them and saying "I'm done and I'm leaving you to do this all by yourself" except you're not done, you have to give 2 weeks notice and then continue going to work everyday with someone who hates you even more now. What are rules about that? What difference is it going to make if I just walk out and don't come back? Who invented the concept of two weeks notice anyways? Especially if I don't intend on getting a reference from this woman anyways? Also how does unemployment insurance work? Can I get it if I quit? Any suggestions anybody? Jesse said that if I stick it out until the end of May (when I'll be laid off) then I can go on EI and take the summer off. I just don't know if I can last that long.
Sorry for another negative blog - my blogs are either short and sucky or ranty and negative. But I love you guys and my life really isn't all that bad. You all should come to Regina to visit and make me feel better. Sound good right? Alright see ya in a couple week then :)
Okay I'm going back to work now. At least the boss isn't here - she's gone to a "meeting" do I sound as synical to you as I do in my head? I gotta go. Love you all.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Short and Sucky

Hello Friends!

Sorry for so long between blogs but I used to do all my blogging at work and if you've read my most recent posts you know how that is. So here's just a quick one before I break for lunch. Work is work - yes I'm still here but looking elsewhere. Life is pretty good otherwise. Jesse is writing his midterms today so he's been a study-holic lately. We went to Edmonton for my dad's internment which went well but if any of you ever have to plan a funeral DO NOT do two of them a month apart (it just brings everything back up again and it's kinda weird). My Mom is in town for the next couple of days with work and staying at the Delta (yah watersliding) so hopefully I'll be able to her her a bit over the next few days. Sorry this post sucks but I don't feel comfortable writing anything good at work. So I gotta go. I'd love to hear from you all. "IF YOU BUG ME....I WILL BLOG!" (with a Field of Dreams kinda tone) :)