Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm so excited at the amount of blogging going on lately. Almost every blog that I check on a regular basis has been updated in the past 5 days or so. Maybe we're all getting a little bored of Facebook? I know I kinda am. I mean once you've found all your friends and taken a peek at their pictures and profiles to see what they've been up to what else is there to do? Take quizzes about what cartoon character you are and post it in case somebody else cares? Don't get me wrong I still like facebook but I just can't seem to waste 2 hours a night perusing it anymore.

Besides that...let's see....

Life has calmed down A LOT in the last week. I almost don't know what to do with myself anymore. Though I do spend a chunk of my time trying to keep track of all the eye and dental forms and making sure that they all make it to one or both of Jesse's health coverage companies and then to mine in the proper order. His go to his first and to mine and vice versa. It's alot to keep track of. We had a big presentation at work yesterday because our benefits are improving which is nice. We now all get $500 per year to spend on whatever we want health wise which means laser eye surgery or viagra (that went over big) or things that the existing plan doesn't cover 100%. I think I'm going to use mine to help cover my braces. I have my first ortho appointment next Thursday morning and their going to do molds and stuff. I'm looking forward to getting the ball rolling with this. I'm also looking forward to the long weekend coming and then I'm also taking a long weekend the next weekend to go to Minot with Mom so my next two weeks are looking pretty awesome. I have 3 days of work now and then a 3 day weekend, then three more days of work (one of which will be cut into for my ortho appointment) and then 3 more days off. Pretty sweet eh?

Let's see what else...

I've been going to Curves for about a week and a half now (tonight will be my 6th workout) and I've gained about 2.5 pounds which sucks but it could be muscle and I haven't been eating the healthiest. Overall I'm about 30 pounds heavier than I was at my lowest last summer. I don't know how it happened but I'm working on it.

We are also thinking about moving apartments. Jill has a friend that is moving out of a huge cheap apartment right across the back alley from us so we really want it. It's only 30$ more a month that what we're paying now and it's got a second bedroom and probably twice the square footage. I really want it but Jill's friend keeps "forgetting" to call us and if we don't get this settled by Saturday so that we can give our notice at our apartment them we can't take it. Please pray that she calls us TONIGHT!

School wise Jesse and I finished out French class with flying colours. Jesse got 80% and I got 95%. We're really happy. So now Jesse starts a new Econ class (his new major) next week and I have my application in to Athabasca University. It cost me $265 to apply and to get them to evaluate my transfer credits. This better work out. I just don't think that I'll ever finish my degree trying to pick up evening classes at the University. Now that I have a year round job and can't take summer classes I'll never pick up everything I need. So please pray that I get LOTS of transfer credits.

Well that's about all I think. Either way I should get back to work. Thanks for all the blogs I love hearing what's going on in your lives. Darrell's was really encouraging today you should all read it (just follow the link on left hand side).



Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Good to know you survived, I was a little concerned for your well-being there. And hey, you beat Jesse in French!

Thursday, June 28, 2007 10:05:00 a.m.  
Blogger Kristine said...

Good to know things are going well.

I also liked the comment about Viagra, and how that went over BIG! Ha ha ha... although that's not a picture I want to be imagining, unless it's like the size of a building and Jesse falls over... that's be funny, but still gross.

Saturday, July 07, 2007 11:52:00 a.m.  

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