Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Can You Spell B...U...S..Y..

It seems that people (or at least the people I know) are not blogging very much anymore, me included... maybe we're all to busy on Facebook.....though really most of the people's blogs who I check regularly aren't the most avid facebookers it possible that you all got real lives outside your computers and left me behind???!!......NAH! :)

So here's the latest update.

Life has been SUPER crazy busy lately! This week was already a full week with doctor's, and eye appointments, dates with Jill to got to Curves, our last French class, and plans to go with Tina (a friend from work) to a play when... we got a message on our machine on Tuesday that Jesse's parents were already on their way to Regina to visit us last minute and they would be here that night! I have one thing to say about this: AHHHHHHHHH! Now don't get me wrong I like Jesse's parents just fine (much more than most people like their in-laws I think) but I was not prepared for this. The house was a DISASTER, I had tons of homework and other plans, this was not a good week. So with a lot of stress, creative planning, and begging receptionists for appointments next week, I managed to work it out so that we actually got to spend some time with Jesse's parents while they are here. Then.... I get a call from my sister and my mom and later my brother-in-law and it turns out that we ARE invited to my sister's big 30th Birthday Bash this weekend in Gull Lake and could we please come. There goes my homework and sleep time for this week! So now right after work today I have to stop at the library (which stupidly closes at 6), meet Jill at Curves at 5:30, work-out for a half hour, rush home, take a shower and change before 6:30 when my Mom comes, go out for dinner with both sets of parents (who haven't met since the wedding), come home and pack for this weekend and set up Mom's bed on out living room floor, go the Relay For Life tonight and watch them light the luminaries (I bought one for my Dad), sleep (maybe), get up and drink much coffee before I jump in Mom's van because we have to be in Gull Lake BEFORE noon (it's about 3 1/2 hours from here) so that I can baby-sit the nephews while everyone else golfs all afternoon (I would golf but I'd rather babysit!) then go to Beth's party, sleep again (hopefully), then get up drive all the way back home so that I can do the mountain of homework and studying that needs to be done before my Final on Tuesday. Then be back at work at 8:00 Monday morning. Man I'm tired already! Next week isn't that much better either because I have my final and now a doctor appointment, eye appointment, AND dentist appointment on top of the First Aid training that I'm taking at work on Monday and Tuesday that apparently has a lot of homework to do on Monday night.

Does anyone wanna trade? Or last least sleep extra for me this weekend and send some energy my way. I'm going to need it! :)

Love you all (well not everyone out there in computer land because there are some creeps out there but the ones I know and love - you know who you are).



Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Holy shizzle. You, my dear, are going to go insane(r) this weekend. I pray that you find the energy to survive. Maybe you can "convince" the kids you are babysitting to have a long uninterrupted nap that day. I'll leave it up to you what method to use, but I will say that you have already mentioned there will be plenty of golf clubs around. I'm just saying is all.....

Friday, June 15, 2007 11:22:00 a.m.  
Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

WOW. I hope your weekend went well...and your week...and your appointments...and final. You are C-R-A-Z-Y my friend.
*HUUUUUUG* (I'd give you sleep, but I can't seem to find it myself, it seems to be in a limited supply lately)

Monday, June 18, 2007 8:38:00 p.m.  

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