Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Whew!..What a Week!

I cannot believe it is Friday already! This has been such an exhausting week. Moday I had a SIAST class all day to learn how to use Excel, then we went and looked at cars,then I had a 4 hour university class in the evening. Tueday I had Excel class again, then more car looking, then Youth in the evening. Wednesday I worked all day then I had to come home and get some stuff together and return some library books and quickly cook dinner before I picked up Jesse from work. I got home at 7, ate and then basically collapsed. Yesterday I worked and then we looked at cars AGAIN and then we had Young Marrieds, then we went grocery shopping and didn't get home until 9:30 and then collapsed in bed again. Then today I work (the president of our board is in all day), then tonight I have to go home and clean like a maniac (hopefully Jesse will have some done but he's sick today) because Leanne and Andrew are staying at our house this weekend. Tomorrow I have a Board Meeting all day and then a wedding to go to in the evening (and a potential girls night after that with Leanne and Jill). Then, on Sunday I have more Board meeting (hopefully only until lunch time) and I have homework to do for my class on monday. All the while Leanne and Andrew are still here until Monday morning. Anyone wanna trade weeks? ... Please?

The car search front has been fairly stressful. We've kinda decided what we want, the problem is that our first choice of car is at a dealer that we DO NOT want to buy from. Our second choice is still good and we love the dealer but do we hold out for our first choice? Now the good dealer is trying to get us one of the cars that we want but it might be 3 weeks before he can get one and by then car choice #2 might have been boughten by someone else. What would you do? I need advice here people. Keep in mind that the car we're driving is slowly deteriorating and we need to make a road trip to Melville at Thanksgiving. Also how important should colour be when buying a new car. I think it's important but dealers keep looking at me funny when I say I do want a car because I don't like the colour. I don't know. Too much stress. Jesse thinks we're rushing into this, but I think that when you're buying used you have either buy it if you like it or look for something else because otherwise it'll be gone. Am I right or wrong? Please give me feedback. That's all for today.


PS: Thanks to Ken for sending me warm fuzzies last week when I was sick. I really needed them and they made my day :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Getting Sick

I'm getting sick and it sucks. You know that first sick day where your alarm goes off and you just can't seem to get out of bed for some reason and then you try to swallow and you realize that your throat is all dry and ucky and hurty. That was my morning this morning. I had a shower hoping that it would make me feel better but I'm not sure it did. So I drank some orange juice, popped some cold FX and spritzed a little throat spray and here I am at work with nothing to do. My boss hasn't showed up yet, if she's not here by noon I'm going home to sleep. It's not like I'm doing much here.
So besides being sick Jesse and I are currently tryign to make a big life decision. It turns out that our poor little car has suddenly become a junker. We figure that if we fix everything that's wrong with it it'll cost us about $3000, if we fix just what needs to be fixed for the sucker to run comfortably and safely in the winer (ie. decent tires, block heater, blower motor, and new springs) probably about $2000. The thing is that the stupid car is worth maybe on $2000, maybe less with all this stuff not working. So what do we do? Do we run it into the ground and hope we don't die when the tires blow on the highway, or do we sell it and buy a new car or a new used car, or do we buy new car and keep this one as a second car that we'll surely need if we ever get a house becasue we can't afford a house where we live now. But if we buy a new car can we afford a house?
That is my dilemma for today. Advice please. GTG now.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hmmm Skittles (not so good)

Hello out there all you in blogger land. Here I am at work and my boss is gone for lunch (note the time) so I thought I'd sorely ignore what little work I actually have today and blog a bit for your reading enjoyment. Work hasn't been too bad today. I actually had somthing to do for most of the morning and seeing as I found something for myself to do yesterday and then left at 4 (as opposed to 5) and still got paid I'm in good working spirits.
We had our first jr. youth night of the year yesterday. They changed it to tuesday nights this year so that it was on the same night as the sr. youth and it seems to be working out okay. We had a huge dodge ball game sr's agains jr's to win a case of coke that we actually stole from them and we totally kicked their butts. It was great but I don't think we kept the coke, whatever, it was a good night. My group of girls is small (only 3 so far) and I'll be sharing them with another leader, Sarah, who still in grade 12 so I'll be mentoring her a bit. It was so much fun though. Our game for the year is going to be The Mole (do any of you remember that show?) where the team works together to make points/money and one member is the mole who trying to mess up their chances. I think it's going to be great, but sadly I am not the mole (but don't tell my youth that as far they're concerned I am the mole and I'm not changing my story). Also I finally convinced Jesse to come with me. He was kinda nervous but after being there awhile he loved it and now he's committed to every week and is getting a small group of his own. Last year I kinda enjoyed having an evening without Jesse but this year I'm taking an evening class so I still get a night to myself.
Tonight Jesse works one of his last evening shift with the health district so J and Jill and I are having a GNO (minus the air bands for all you CBC girls). I'm not sure what we're doing yet all I know is that I got a message from Jill last night saying that they're showing up at my place at 7. I guess I should figure out if I'm supposed to eat supper first or not. We're oh so organized. Maybe I'll look up what movies are playing?
I'm eating skittles right now. Actually I'm scarfing skittles right now because I'm typing and I'm not paying attention to how many I'm eating. However my enjoyment of them is stinted by the fact that they have new flavours in them (you know the commercial with the ugly guy on the island and the geeky kid who sticks his head through the rainbow - "three new flavours") anyways one of these flavours is banana and I hate banana flavour. Real banana's are okay but fake banana flavour is gross. Also there's another flavour that tastes like that bad lip gloss that you get free with certain Barbies. I may have stop eating the blue skittles, it is a sad day in Jordan world. Anyways I should go in case my boss comes back soon. Talk to you all later.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What Can I Say, I'm Addicted

So it turns out that I am physically unable to not go to school. Two weeks into working full time I decide "maybe I could squeeze in a night class?". So here I am registred for a class at the university on monday nights. If I take one night class a semester and 3 classes every summer then I can graduate with my bachelors in 2012. Sounds good right? Only time will tell if I'm addicted enough to school to last that long. So the class I'm taking now is a thrid level English class on short stories. Now I've never much liked short stories but I love English classes and am thinking of switching my major to English. Right now I'm majoring in Psychology with a double minor in sociology and religious studies. However since I don't really want to be a Psychologist, and it's really not a teachable major if I ever want to go back into Education, I think I may switch to English though I haven't decided what to minor in yet. I don't have to minor in anything, but if I don't I have so many open electives it seems kinda stupid. Though if I am solely relying on what classes they offer in the evenings and summer then I might need the electives. Either way I am taking classes and resigned myself to the fact that even thought I HATE this university, I need it and it's better than SIAST (that's for sure). My need for schooling and the fact that I have a severe dislike for both semi-credible post-secondary institutions in this city don't really mesh well, so I have to conceed myself one way or another and since boycotting doesn't hurt anyone but I am.
So that's about it. I mean there's more but I don't have to tell you people everything do I? At least not all at once right? Maybe more tonight or tomorrow. It's hard to say since I'll be feeding my starving student of a brother tonight and I'll either be otherwise occupied or bored out of my skull at the amount of computer talk and videogaming bouncing around the room. Either way more eventually.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Good pants day

My whole life I have HATED shopping for pants. A lot of plus sized pants are high waisted, tapered legged, have no pockets are not really designed for any human shaped person to wear. I hate going to wal-mart and choosing the only pair of half-decent jeans in the store only to find that the size you think you should be is way too small, it's just not making over your butt and don't even think about zipping it, and you end up walking out of the store with a size 21. That's the last size of pants I bought at Wal-mart.

Today however was my best pants shopping experience EVER! Imagine my surprise when I walked into Reitmans to look at pants and find several pairs that a normal person might like to wear. Then after picking up a few different pairs in a size 18 (the size I always liked to think that I was no matter how much weight I'd gained) and trying them on, realizing that they are all TOO BIG!!! That's never happened to me before. Ecstatic almost beyond belief I left the dressing room to find SMALLER SIZES!!!! Returning with 3 pairs of size 16's I took the leap and tried them on. zzzzzip! They fit! And they look good! I can't believe it. I bought two pairs. I haven't wore a size 16 since jr.high. That was 10 years ago!

I have to say that today I enjoyed pants shopping for the first time in a long time. It was a good pants day. I just hope they still fit tomorrow :)


ahhh scrapbooking!

Shalom Everyone! I don't know why I just said Shalom, it seemed like a good thing at a time. So how's my life lately? Work is going fantastic! Though sometimes I wonder if Darlene and I are going to get sick of each other by the end of the year being the year being the only two people in the office and she is really messy and disorganized which is really one of my pet peeves, but she's the boss so I can't very well be going through her papers and stuff throwing out what she doesn't need and making to do lists for her. (Can I?) They also haven't delivered my new chair yet though they said it would be there on Wednesday. It better be there bright and early Tuesday morning or else! Friday night we hung out with J and Ethan which usually means Jesse and Ethan play on the computer and J and I complain about stuff, I really don't know if it's healthy? Oh well, we are in a rut. Then Saturday we went shopping with them in the morning to Michael's and Costco and stuff and then J and I scrapbooked for awhile after Jesse went to work and Ethan went home to play on his computer (can we say obsessive compulsive :), both me with my scrapbooking and Ethan with his computer). Then my brother and mom showed up becasue they were moving him into the dorms yesterday. So I went to dinner with them and then shopping for dorm stuff (it's always so hard to think of everything you'll need before you move in). The dorms are nice but they're small and he's way over paying but he refuses to ever take the bus so that's what he's stuck with (good luck finding a job with in walking distance, Kris). Then I came home and scrapbooked some more last night. I'm doing the wedding stuff and I want all the pages to match so that it's a cohesive album but I'm starting to get sick of the same papers and ribbons on every page. Oh well, it'll go by faster now that I'm into the swing of it, I hope. That's about it. Today we have to clean the house and help my brother with his computer and maybe go to church though I don't really want to. I'm a bad church goer I have to admit. The only reason I want to go is to tithe. We'll see what happens.
