Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What Can I Say, I'm Addicted

So it turns out that I am physically unable to not go to school. Two weeks into working full time I decide "maybe I could squeeze in a night class?". So here I am registred for a class at the university on monday nights. If I take one night class a semester and 3 classes every summer then I can graduate with my bachelors in 2012. Sounds good right? Only time will tell if I'm addicted enough to school to last that long. So the class I'm taking now is a thrid level English class on short stories. Now I've never much liked short stories but I love English classes and am thinking of switching my major to English. Right now I'm majoring in Psychology with a double minor in sociology and religious studies. However since I don't really want to be a Psychologist, and it's really not a teachable major if I ever want to go back into Education, I think I may switch to English though I haven't decided what to minor in yet. I don't have to minor in anything, but if I don't I have so many open electives it seems kinda stupid. Though if I am solely relying on what classes they offer in the evenings and summer then I might need the electives. Either way I am taking classes and resigned myself to the fact that even thought I HATE this university, I need it and it's better than SIAST (that's for sure). My need for schooling and the fact that I have a severe dislike for both semi-credible post-secondary institutions in this city don't really mesh well, so I have to conceed myself one way or another and since boycotting doesn't hurt anyone but I am.
So that's about it. I mean there's more but I don't have to tell you people everything do I? At least not all at once right? Maybe more tonight or tomorrow. It's hard to say since I'll be feeding my starving student of a brother tonight and I'll either be otherwise occupied or bored out of my skull at the amount of computer talk and videogaming bouncing around the room. Either way more eventually.


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