Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My new look

Hey everyone,
Do you like my new look for my blog. I figured it was time to update to something a little bit less pink and since I am completely blog illiterate I just switched to a new template right in blogger. I envy those of who who have figured out how to create your own or play with the ones you find. But I think this for now, we'll see how long it stays.
So today was a pretty boring day for me. I am soooo ready to go to work. The apartment is drivign me nuts and it seems that everytime I leave the house I spend money I don't have because I'm not making any. It'll be nice to work. Tomorrow is really my last official I-stay-home-and-do-nothing day. Friday I have to drop Jesse off at the airport (he's going to Red Deer to visit his dad, don't ask me why but is dad bought the ticket), then I have to go to work to fill out some forms, then I'm having lunch with my dad and possibly my brother who will be in town, we're going to use the handy-dandy mini-van to pick up my new dresser, then I'm driving all the way to Gull Lake, SK (that's near Swift Current for all you big city folks) for the weekend to hang out and see my nephew on his birthday. Then back on Sunday and work Monday morning. The sweet thing is that my first weekend back to work will be a long weekend so I won't have to get too used to a 5 day work week :) Iplan to use it to do all the scarpbooking I was going to do this weekend but can't because I'm going to my sister's.
So far today I've done a lot of nothing. I finished typing up my Gospels and Acts notes and I'm going to start on my World Miss notes then I'll be done semester 1!!!!
I think just the fact that I've takenon the endeavour at all shows just how bored I am. I also renewed my driver's licence (which, for all you foreigners, must be done every year in Saskatchewan on the month of your birthday, how lame is that!) and I went to the grocery store for Jam and eggs (that's it, it's all we needed, though I did buy some candy too and some nestea singles sweetened with sucralose. Why bother with the sucralose when you're buying candy? I'm stupid and feebly attemping to loose more weight, emphasis on the feebly). Anyways so ya that's about it.
I bet all you workign people are glaring at the screen right now going "Gee, I wish I could sit on my butt and eat candy all day" - but really it looses it's appeal after awhile and if you saw the size of my butt you would not covet me. But seriously I'm doing pretty good. I've lost almost 40 pounds since new years. Here's I'll show you some pics - though they are not as impressive as on Dr. Phil or something.

Okay I couldn't get them to work. I'll get Jesse to help me and I'll post them later today. Like I said, blog illiterate, but I know I've done it before? Niki you do this all time what am I doing wrong?

Anyways that's all for now because this is bugging me.


Blogger Unknown said...

It's good to hear from you ... I often wonder if anybody read's my blog ... just so you know I check your nearly ever day so maybe that'll motivate you to blog more :D

You lost 40lbs!! Good for you!! I'll look forward to seeing those pictures.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:02:00 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh ya ... if you wanna see a couple pics of Kathy's wedding you can check out tilly's blog.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:04:00 p.m.  

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