Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

So much has happend in the last few days that I don't even know what to write. I actually wanted to start off this Blog with something witty and funny but I couldn't think of anything. So you get this:
Why did the robot cross the road?
It was carbon bonded to the chicken! hahaha

Anyway now that the comic relief is out of the way I might as well let you all know that I got my rejection letter from the Faculty of Education yesterday. That's the second year in a row now. Not even waitlisted. I guess I'm not going to be a teacher. (Jesse's mad at me because I just told him to stop yelling at his computer and go to bed). I must admit that I'm getting really sick of the rejection again. But on I go to try something new again. For some reason I'm feeling led to major in Psychology which is weird because I've never even taken a psych class. So as of next monday when I have a meeting with my advisor I'll be majoring in Pysch with a double minor in sociology and religious studies. Where did that come from? I'm excited about starting something new but I can't help but feel stupid and incompetent. I mean I have 3 years of camp experience including program directing, I was on student council, I'm a saskatchewan resident, I gradutated from CBC with honours, and I currently have an average of about %84 and I can't even get into the Education program when little kids, fresh out of high school, who are doing it because they don't know anything else are getting in no problem. I just don't get it. It took me years to finally take the leap and decide what I wanted to do and now I can't do it and I find that very frustrating. I can't even get a job for goodness sake. I don't get it.
Somebody please validate me!

Okay I'm done complaining. For now. I don't want my blog to become a negative, complainy space. Today I watched Hope Floats, that is a good movie. If you haven't seen it you should. Also listen to the credit song by Garth Brooks "To make you feel my love", one of the best songs ever written. I watch a lot of tv when I'm home all day. Right now I'm watching a show on much music about JLo. It's pretty good.
I bought the Theresa Sokyrka CD the other day. I wouldn't recommend it. I mean I like her but half the CD is bad covers of songs she sang on Canadian Idol and she does her little skat thing in like every song. Some of the songs are decent but they are downloaders not buyers. If any of you want to hear it you have to come to Regina and visit me in person. I like visitors.

Anyways its like quarter to midnight here. I should stop for now. Have a good night everyone.


Blogger D-Rock said...

Heya Jordan ... sweet to see you joined the blog groupie :) ... *goes to update his links* You can check out my blog at

Anyhoo, with respect to your frustrations ... I for sure know what that's like. Experienced it many times myself. :-S You want so bad to have somebody recognize you for your abilities, but it never really seems to happen.

But ... you'll figure out what you're supposed to do. :) And if nothing else works out, come to camp! :D

Sunday, May 08, 2005 3:49:00 p.m.  

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