Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

My kitten is becoming an "it"!

My poor little kitten, we've decided to immasculate him. I think that we've decided his restlessness and wineyness lately is due to his lack of a nice little female kitty in the house. So our two options are to get a female kitty....ummmm let me think about that one.... NO, or we get him "chopped" if you will. We're hoping it will calm him down a bit. But I guess that if we're going to shell out 80 bucks for kitty surgury then we've decided to keep him for the time being anyways. So if you want him you gotta claim him before this weekend when we're hoping to get him in to the vet.

I just wanted to add that I am currently listening to the artistic stylings of the Simpson sisters (Jessica and Ashley that is) and I am rather enjoying it today. It's good music to clean house to and boy have I been cleaning today. I still need to tidy the bedroom, vaccuum, and few other things but then the house is going to be spotless. Oooh, here's some Christina Aguilera, I've got lots of good stuff on this playlist. "La la... la....Thanks for making me a fighter!....lala". Yah I realize that I'm a geek but what do you expect from me? I'm in the house all day by myself. hands smell like bathroom cleaner and moisturizer. Yah. Ooooh, now I'm listening to Theresa Sokyrka, some of her good stuff right off the show. You all don't care about this. I'm just procrastinating going back to my cleaning. Maybe I'll vaccum tomorrow. I'm been saying that for days. I could be mean and ask Jesse to do it when he gets home from work. Yah I know, not fair. I'll go do it, you twisted my arm.



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