Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Boring Saturday

Hey Y'all
Just another boring Saturday. Not doing much. My mouth tastes like Peanut Butter. Mmmmm.
I need something fun to do today. Maybe I should sit around and do hemp necklaces. I'm making as many as I can for this Arts fair in a couple of weeks where my friend J and I have a table, she's selling sketches, I'm selling hemp. Hey how much would you pay for a hemp neclace or braclet with wooden beads or sea shells in it? Let me know.
Jesse's Birthday was on wednesday. Everybody got together to buy him a game cube, so what is he doing now? He's on his computer looking up game cube stuff. He's not actually playing the thing. *shakes head*...boys...
Anyway I worked a few shifts at California Fitness now and I'm really enjoying it. I had an interview on tuesday for a job in July/August in Melville (that's where my parents live). It's 6 weeks of organizing a summer program for 30 kids. It sounds like fun but I sure don't want to live in Melville for 6 weeks with my parents and little brother and leave my husband here in Regina. That's gonna suck. So I haven't decided if I'm going to take it yet.
Hey has anyone seen the movie Million Dollar Baby? It's playing at the cheap theatre and I've heard it's good but I can't decide if I really want to see it. Someone tell me if it's good or not.
I am so bored, I am so bored, B O R D, B O R D...I mean.. E D.
Well I should go find something to do. Ciao everyone.


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