Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

ahhh scrapbooking!

Shalom Everyone! I don't know why I just said Shalom, it seemed like a good thing at a time. So how's my life lately? Work is going fantastic! Though sometimes I wonder if Darlene and I are going to get sick of each other by the end of the year being the year being the only two people in the office and she is really messy and disorganized which is really one of my pet peeves, but she's the boss so I can't very well be going through her papers and stuff throwing out what she doesn't need and making to do lists for her. (Can I?) They also haven't delivered my new chair yet though they said it would be there on Wednesday. It better be there bright and early Tuesday morning or else! Friday night we hung out with J and Ethan which usually means Jesse and Ethan play on the computer and J and I complain about stuff, I really don't know if it's healthy? Oh well, we are in a rut. Then Saturday we went shopping with them in the morning to Michael's and Costco and stuff and then J and I scrapbooked for awhile after Jesse went to work and Ethan went home to play on his computer (can we say obsessive compulsive :), both me with my scrapbooking and Ethan with his computer). Then my brother and mom showed up becasue they were moving him into the dorms yesterday. So I went to dinner with them and then shopping for dorm stuff (it's always so hard to think of everything you'll need before you move in). The dorms are nice but they're small and he's way over paying but he refuses to ever take the bus so that's what he's stuck with (good luck finding a job with in walking distance, Kris). Then I came home and scrapbooked some more last night. I'm doing the wedding stuff and I want all the pages to match so that it's a cohesive album but I'm starting to get sick of the same papers and ribbons on every page. Oh well, it'll go by faster now that I'm into the swing of it, I hope. That's about it. Today we have to clean the house and help my brother with his computer and maybe go to church though I don't really want to. I'm a bad church goer I have to admit. The only reason I want to go is to tithe. We'll see what happens.



Blogger Kathy said...

can I send my wedding pics over to be scrapbooked??? :P Way to go on keeping up with the scrapbooking!

Sunday, September 03, 2006 4:32:00 p.m.  

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