Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hmmm Skittles (not so good)

Hello out there all you in blogger land. Here I am at work and my boss is gone for lunch (note the time) so I thought I'd sorely ignore what little work I actually have today and blog a bit for your reading enjoyment. Work hasn't been too bad today. I actually had somthing to do for most of the morning and seeing as I found something for myself to do yesterday and then left at 4 (as opposed to 5) and still got paid I'm in good working spirits.
We had our first jr. youth night of the year yesterday. They changed it to tuesday nights this year so that it was on the same night as the sr. youth and it seems to be working out okay. We had a huge dodge ball game sr's agains jr's to win a case of coke that we actually stole from them and we totally kicked their butts. It was great but I don't think we kept the coke, whatever, it was a good night. My group of girls is small (only 3 so far) and I'll be sharing them with another leader, Sarah, who still in grade 12 so I'll be mentoring her a bit. It was so much fun though. Our game for the year is going to be The Mole (do any of you remember that show?) where the team works together to make points/money and one member is the mole who trying to mess up their chances. I think it's going to be great, but sadly I am not the mole (but don't tell my youth that as far they're concerned I am the mole and I'm not changing my story). Also I finally convinced Jesse to come with me. He was kinda nervous but after being there awhile he loved it and now he's committed to every week and is getting a small group of his own. Last year I kinda enjoyed having an evening without Jesse but this year I'm taking an evening class so I still get a night to myself.
Tonight Jesse works one of his last evening shift with the health district so J and Jill and I are having a GNO (minus the air bands for all you CBC girls). I'm not sure what we're doing yet all I know is that I got a message from Jill last night saying that they're showing up at my place at 7. I guess I should figure out if I'm supposed to eat supper first or not. We're oh so organized. Maybe I'll look up what movies are playing?
I'm eating skittles right now. Actually I'm scarfing skittles right now because I'm typing and I'm not paying attention to how many I'm eating. However my enjoyment of them is stinted by the fact that they have new flavours in them (you know the commercial with the ugly guy on the island and the geeky kid who sticks his head through the rainbow - "three new flavours") anyways one of these flavours is banana and I hate banana flavour. Real banana's are okay but fake banana flavour is gross. Also there's another flavour that tastes like that bad lip gloss that you get free with certain Barbies. I may have stop eating the blue skittles, it is a sad day in Jordan world. Anyways I should go in case my boss comes back soon. Talk to you all later.


Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

how was GNO? ;)

no more blue skittles?! ...sad day, indeed.

oh yeah, and "hi"! :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:36:00 a.m.  

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