Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Whew!..What a Week!

I cannot believe it is Friday already! This has been such an exhausting week. Moday I had a SIAST class all day to learn how to use Excel, then we went and looked at cars,then I had a 4 hour university class in the evening. Tueday I had Excel class again, then more car looking, then Youth in the evening. Wednesday I worked all day then I had to come home and get some stuff together and return some library books and quickly cook dinner before I picked up Jesse from work. I got home at 7, ate and then basically collapsed. Yesterday I worked and then we looked at cars AGAIN and then we had Young Marrieds, then we went grocery shopping and didn't get home until 9:30 and then collapsed in bed again. Then today I work (the president of our board is in all day), then tonight I have to go home and clean like a maniac (hopefully Jesse will have some done but he's sick today) because Leanne and Andrew are staying at our house this weekend. Tomorrow I have a Board Meeting all day and then a wedding to go to in the evening (and a potential girls night after that with Leanne and Jill). Then, on Sunday I have more Board meeting (hopefully only until lunch time) and I have homework to do for my class on monday. All the while Leanne and Andrew are still here until Monday morning. Anyone wanna trade weeks? ... Please?

The car search front has been fairly stressful. We've kinda decided what we want, the problem is that our first choice of car is at a dealer that we DO NOT want to buy from. Our second choice is still good and we love the dealer but do we hold out for our first choice? Now the good dealer is trying to get us one of the cars that we want but it might be 3 weeks before he can get one and by then car choice #2 might have been boughten by someone else. What would you do? I need advice here people. Keep in mind that the car we're driving is slowly deteriorating and we need to make a road trip to Melville at Thanksgiving. Also how important should colour be when buying a new car. I think it's important but dealers keep looking at me funny when I say I do want a car because I don't like the colour. I don't know. Too much stress. Jesse thinks we're rushing into this, but I think that when you're buying used you have either buy it if you like it or look for something else because otherwise it'll be gone. Am I right or wrong? Please give me feedback. That's all for today.


PS: Thanks to Ken for sending me warm fuzzies last week when I was sick. I really needed them and they made my day :)


Blogger Kristine said...

Say hi to Leanne and Andrew for us. Good to hear that at least some things are moving for you on the car front, but I know how crazy it can be. In terms of your #1 and #2 choice... how much difference is there between the two? Is it just, "I don't like this colour", or something else small like that or is it, "This car has a reputation for blowing the transmission at such-and-such km's"? If you're really that worried about travelling in your current car next weekend, and the #2 choice is just as reliable as #1, go with that.

Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:53:00 a.m.  

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