Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Getting Sick

I'm getting sick and it sucks. You know that first sick day where your alarm goes off and you just can't seem to get out of bed for some reason and then you try to swallow and you realize that your throat is all dry and ucky and hurty. That was my morning this morning. I had a shower hoping that it would make me feel better but I'm not sure it did. So I drank some orange juice, popped some cold FX and spritzed a little throat spray and here I am at work with nothing to do. My boss hasn't showed up yet, if she's not here by noon I'm going home to sleep. It's not like I'm doing much here.
So besides being sick Jesse and I are currently tryign to make a big life decision. It turns out that our poor little car has suddenly become a junker. We figure that if we fix everything that's wrong with it it'll cost us about $3000, if we fix just what needs to be fixed for the sucker to run comfortably and safely in the winer (ie. decent tires, block heater, blower motor, and new springs) probably about $2000. The thing is that the stupid car is worth maybe on $2000, maybe less with all this stuff not working. So what do we do? Do we run it into the ground and hope we don't die when the tires blow on the highway, or do we sell it and buy a new car or a new used car, or do we buy new car and keep this one as a second car that we'll surely need if we ever get a house becasue we can't afford a house where we live now. But if we buy a new car can we afford a house?
That is my dilemma for today. Advice please. GTG now.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hope you feel better soon!

*sends Jordan warm fuzzy get well vibes*

My advice is get a new/used car. You'll have to spend more money up front but in the long run it is totally worth it. Something you can get a car that has been leased for like 6 months, but because it is used the dealership can't sell it as a new car so the price is way cheaper.

The thing about getting a new/used car is that you'll prolly spend less on repairs over time. Whereas if you were to buy a car that is, say, 10 years old, it might run good for a year or so but becasue of the age sooner or later you'll be right back where you are now.

Friday, September 22, 2006 10:25:00 a.m.  

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