Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

My Photo
Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Canadian Tire 2

My Baby got a job!!!!!!!!

Monday - Friday

Praise God

Canadian Tire

Guess what everyone!!!!
Jesse has an interview at Canadian Tire today. WooHooo. I mean it's not really an ideal job but it's great to have something. Hopefully it works out well and they pay him decently. I've also applyed for some jobs that I would love to have with a day camp and an insurance office. So if everyone would keep praying for us that would be great. We really appreciate it. Pray for jobs that pay well and that we enjoy doing. Thanks everyone.

Other than that nothing is new. We made cupcakes yesterday with the rainbow sprinkles in, they were on sale at Safeway 2 for 1.
Oh, is anyone else totally shocked that Constantine got kicked off American Idol yesterday????? I could not believe it! I mean he wasn't the best one on there but he was way better than Scott and Anthony! I was completely dumbfounded. Well now that you all think I'm a loser I can say that as long as Stephanie wins Survivor all will be well in tv land :)

I went and got my rings cleaned yesterday at Peoples and they are really shiney now. I like that. Jesse went in to get his ring resized (because we have both been loosing weight despite the cupcakes) and they were going to charge us for it because they've changed their policy. I was about to get mad but then they said that since we bought it before they changed their policy that they would do it for free, so that was good.

I went to go buy vegetables yesterday and I can't believe how expensive they are. It's two dollars for a head of lettuce right now. Only bananas and oranges are under a dollar a pound. It's ridiculous. I guess we're just going to have to risk scurvy until we get jobs :)

I think I'm really rambling about nothing now. I have a tendancy to do this a lot. Maybe I'll go watch a movie. I borrowed Drumline from my friend Charity, I've heard it's good. Maybe I'll watch Anne of Green Gables the sequel. I don't know.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Feeling Better

So I took my final and I think I did okay. Since then I've also eaten some subway (mmmmm.....subway), taken a bath and washed my hair, and taken the best nap I've ever had in my entire life. It was the perfect darkness, the perfect temperature, and I swear my bed has never felt so comfy before. Needless to say I'm feeling a little bit better than I was at 4 o'clock this morning. Man, was I frustrated. But I think the difference is that I've now eaten, slept, and kinda feel like a normal person again. I was very tired this morning and building it up in my head. So please don't anyone freak out and call me a heathen or anything. God and I will work things out okay I'm sure. Well I should go make some dinner mmmmmm.....chicken. :)

4:11am can you believe this?

Okay, everyone who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown say Aie.


It is 4 o'clock in the morning I have got a total of 1 hours sleep and I have a HUGE final in about 5 hours. I just can't sleep. I am so stressed right now that it takes everything I have to not just sit in the middle of the floor and cry and scream but my husband finally got to sleep and he has a final too so I'm trying not to wake him. The stupid cat has been into everything that he's not supposed to and been making as much noise as possible all night long. We've sprayed him, thrown him in the shower, hit him, yelled at him and he will not sit still and let us sleep. I can't take this anymore. I am going to freak out. I've been asking God to help me out here for the sake of my sanity and a class that I have worked REALLY hard all semester to get a good grade in but surprise surprise no help there. I have been seeing this trend from him lately and all I keep getting is "trust me and I will help you". Bull Shit! This really tops it God. You expect me to have faith now when everytime I try you just kick me down farther. Well I don't know what to do anymore.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Hello out there again to the outside world. How's the weather out there? Really how is it I want to know? The reason for this particular posting is that I want to tell you all that I like it when you leave comments. I like to know that people are reading this and that I'm not writing online just so that I don't have to go out and buy pink paper to write on. So talk to me! please! And thank you to Kenny and Becca for already commenting for me, I really appreciate your prayers.

On a new note, my husband just got mad at me becasue I did all the puzzles on the back of the Cap'n Crunch box. I think that if he can't get out of bed in time to claim them then they are fair game . . . get it fair "game"? I crack myself up :)

Well I've gotta go study. Religious Studies does not learn itself.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

I just can't study anymore

Okay so I have a super huge Religious Studies final on Monday morning at 9 am. It is now Saturday night at about 6 pm and I haven't really started studying yet. AHHHHHH!!!!

But I just can't get myself to do it. This is my 4th and last final for the semester and I just finished a marathon of 3 finals in 3 days and my brain won't take it anymore. I find myself sitting here on the couch trying to absorb the twisted workings of Hinduism but I am drawn to that stupid episode of Simpsons where Bart joins a boy band that propagates the navy. Did you know that Global plays like 5 episodes of Simpsons in a row on Saturday afternoons? How am I supposed to resist that? I am so sick of school.

I wish I just knew if I was actually going to get into the Education program. I might not even need these classes. I hope I get in. Please pray for me.

Does anyone else wish that they could go back to being 10 years old where your biggest problem was whether your Mom was going to make you bring your little brother to the mall with you or whether you get to the swings first at recess. Maybe that's why I want to be a teacher so that I can indulge in the childish life again for a little bit of every day. Oh well. I think I'm rambling now so I'll sign out.
Ciao everyone

Friday, April 22, 2005


Okay so those of you who know me must be a little shocked by my choice of colour for my blog page. A year ago I would have never ever wanted my name or my thoughts to be associated the colour pink. It is even somewhat surprising to me how much I'm enjoying the colour, weird eh?

I think that being married has changed me. Perhaps living with a boy has given me a new appreciation for all things girly. When I was living in the dorms it was like girl overload and now I get the chance to explore the girliness in my life at a safe level. I even wear nail polish now.

I'm also branching out into buying clothes that are not blue all the time. It's a conscious decision on my part but I have learned to appreciate it.

Go Pink!

My first Blog

Hey everyone! This is my first blog. I don't know why I'm doing this just bored I guess and need something to do on my computer. It was actually inspired by my friend Darrell who has been doing one for a few weeks now and I found myself really interested in reading whatever he was going to choose to write that day, so I figured maybe people might want to know what I have to say about life too.

So here I go. Life sucks!

Okay so maybe life doesn't suck because God doesn't make things that suck, well except vacuum cleaners and black holes stuff that actually physically does suck. What I'm saying is that life is not always fun and right now is one of these times. My husband Jesse and I have been trying for months to get a job for the summer, we started applying before anyone else we know and yet the semester is over and jobs. It's been really hard because we've applied for so many that we were totally over qualified for and we always get the same answer: we considered you, you were really good, but we chose someone else. What's with that? Is there something wrong with us. I'm incredibly frustrated here. I mean how much rejection can a person take? I know that we'll be okay, we have family and we got a huge income tax return. God does provide, it's just frustrating.

Well that's it my first online complaint. Look forward to many more that I'm sure are coming.