Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, February 16, 2007


So here's what happened -

I showed up to work on Wed and no one was there yet (as usual). My boss strolls through the door sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 and doesn't say a word to me and starts doing other things. Around 10:30 she gets up and asks me to come talk with her. We go into another room and she sits me down and reems me out for about another half an hour brining up every typo and mistake that I've ever made since I started working there, calls me lazy and sloppy and basically tells me that the Board members wanted to fire me. However she says that she is "graciously" giving me another chance but that I have to pull me act together and prove that I deserve to be there. This means that everday I have to write down everything I do - every fax I send, every phone call I take, how many times I go to the bathroom and sign it at the end of the day to prove that I'm doing a full day's work. So basically I'm working in the land of double standards and while she and Jean sit around all day talking and come in an hour late and leave an hour early I have to "prove I deserve to be there" by accounting for everything I do and clocking in and out at 9 and 5. I no this doesn't sound that bad - it's kinda like every other job but it's the principle of the thing. I mean the hypocrisy is so thick in the room I can see my breath and I hate working everyday with someone who is just using every opportunity to exert their power over me and make me feel worthless. So here I am. I'm still working there but one more thing happens and I'm ready to walk right out the door and not look back. I'm also looking for a new job in the meantime - I'd really love to quit the week before Festivals and leave them hanging. See this is the irony of it all - now that she's treated me like this I feel less inclined to work hard, yes maybe I'm working more but I'm not trying as hard and I'm totally resisting the urge to sabotage things on purpose. I'd love to just dump the filing cabinet all over the floor and walk out the door laughing or start shelving books in the wrong spots (they'd never find them), or call an adjudicator and tell them that Festival is cancelled and then watch them not show up. But God has been pushing me really hard to be a better person than that. If I stoop to her level of malice then I'm not better than she is so I might as well just stay there and join the club. It's the fact that I can be a better person than she is that makes me so angry about the whole thing in the first place.

Well that was a lot of rambling but I know some of you wanted to know how it turned out. If it doesn't make sense then join the club - my brain is one big jumble of shock, hurt, insults, and anger right now. If you have any advice I'd love to hear it. I just wish that I had the job that I had 2 weeks ago.

That's all for now.



Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

that pretty much sucks. i wish it was going better for you at work. it always amazes me how petty some people can be when they have just a little bit of power. hopefully something even more fantastic will turn up for you!

Friday, February 16, 2007 10:44:00 p.m.  
Blogger Kristine said...

I totally support the idea of looking for a new job. If the sincerity of the people you work with/for is that fickle, then that's not a good place to be. I think how you act in the next while before you get better job should actually depend on whether you think you could get/need a good reference from them when you go. If you are pretty sure that there's no way they'd give you a good reference, then don't bust your butt over it. I'm not saying slack off of sabotage of something, but if all you're getting out of this job at this point is money, then do only what's required for you to do your job. If you think you could impress them enough that they'd give you a good reference, then work hard for the last little while you are there. Maybe the best way would be to work hard for a week and see if they notice or start treating you better. I hope you get a new job soon though, you deserve better.

Saturday, February 17, 2007 12:16:00 p.m.  
Blogger Kathy said...

My former boss in her fairwell card to me wrote a verse from The Message

"Observe people who are good at their work - skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don't take a back seat to anyone" Prov. 22:29

If you work hard, no one will be able to speak against you. If they do it's probably because of jealousy or something. While the tempation to retaliate or leave them hanging always seems like it would be nice, it's much better to know in your heart that you were in the right even if others don't awknowledge it.

Saturday, February 17, 2007 8:17:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ashley Watson said...

Hey Jordan,
Its Ashley, (From CBC) just came across your blog (from Kristine's page.) Anyway I'd like to tell you that I actually experienced the same situation last summer. I worked in reception,(for about $10.00/hr) and the lady who hired me decided she didn't like me anymore one day and preceeded to take ever single opportunity to point out every mistake (in a non-constructive manner) and try and make me feel stupid. Every now and then she pulled me into her office and threatened me with my job..."you need to prove yourself...blah blah blah" and one day I had enough of her crap, and I told her that I was done and gave my two weeks. It wasnt worth stressing about, especially at 10 bucks an hour.

Im not saying it is the best thing to do, but I later found out she quit her job. I found out from inside sources that she was getting flack from people above her, they were nagging at her to "work better, harder, ect." I think that when people aren't being treated well in the world, it is contagious. Same as when youre treated well, you want to spread the love! Anyway, i AM WAY happier at my new job. yay

Hope you find one soon!!

Monday, February 19, 2007 4:41:00 p.m.  

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