Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

My Photo
Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Kt Tunstall - Black Horse And The Cherry Tree

Here's a video for you all. I've loved this song ever since it was sung on American Idol last year. This video is awesome in how she does all her own music and back up herself right there. I hope you guys like it, sorry that the video quality sucks.



Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Alright everyone, this is going to be a short one. I've been super busy but I just wanted to update you all while I wa thinking about it. My day with my Dad and my weekend with my sister went well. Dad bought me scrapbooking stuff for my birthday which I promptly took to my sister's and we spend hours working together on out respective scrapbooks. Her's is really cute. It's a litle 8x8 that folds in from both sides and she doing a "what we love about summer" theme with pictures of her, Jeff, and the two boys (who are 3 and 4). It's turning out really well. I also got 3 pages done,it just takes so long that I really have to wait until Saturday to keep working on it. Other than that I started work yesterday. It's really great with a relaxed atmosphere that I feel I'm working with somebody instead of for them which is really nice sometimes. I can feel ownership for what needs to be done which gives me more motivation to do it. I also get a new office chair which is coming tomorrow or Thursday (nice with a high back and armrests and tilt and fancy stuff) and I get a new organizer with cool colored paper that I picked out of a catalogue. I love my new job. Thank you Father God for giving it to me.

Tonight I went to a movie with my Mom who showed up mysteriously on my doorstep around six because she was passing through town. So that was unexpected and nice. We saw X-Men 3 (I had seen it already but it's still good the second time - I can't wait for the DVD box set). So that's about it I think, in the Reader's Digest condensed sort of way. I saw this really awesome commercial on my friend Ken's blog today but I'm too lazy to figure out how to post it myself so if you want to see it you'll have to go there yourself. (it's also one of the links directly to the left and slightly up from here). If you go you can also see pictures of his new puppy and kitchen. I love pictures on blogs. And because I do here are a few of my birthday to amuse you.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

The pictures I promised

Hi everyone so here are the pictures I promised. Like I said they aren't very good ones and most of you will think I don't look much different, but I bet that I weight more than most of you think, so there you go.

This is a picture of me at my sister's at Christmas this past year

This is a picture of me last week at my birthday with my new carpet sweeper

I haven't weighed in in a couple weeks but last time I checked I was sitting at a loss of 37 pounds. My goal is to lose a total of 60 this year. I don't know if it'll happen but I'll keep trying. It'll be easier once I start working again I hope. Really I have to start working out again but I lost my free gym priveledges when school ended so that might not work, we'll see. Maybe I'll join Curves. Does anyone know how much it costs?

So that's it for today I think. I have lots to do before we leave town tomorrow and Jesse is home sick today which makes it harder. Talk to all soon and thanks for commenting

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My new look

Hey everyone,
Do you like my new look for my blog. I figured it was time to update to something a little bit less pink and since I am completely blog illiterate I just switched to a new template right in blogger. I envy those of who who have figured out how to create your own or play with the ones you find. But I think this for now, we'll see how long it stays.
So today was a pretty boring day for me. I am soooo ready to go to work. The apartment is drivign me nuts and it seems that everytime I leave the house I spend money I don't have because I'm not making any. It'll be nice to work. Tomorrow is really my last official I-stay-home-and-do-nothing day. Friday I have to drop Jesse off at the airport (he's going to Red Deer to visit his dad, don't ask me why but is dad bought the ticket), then I have to go to work to fill out some forms, then I'm having lunch with my dad and possibly my brother who will be in town, we're going to use the handy-dandy mini-van to pick up my new dresser, then I'm driving all the way to Gull Lake, SK (that's near Swift Current for all you big city folks) for the weekend to hang out and see my nephew on his birthday. Then back on Sunday and work Monday morning. The sweet thing is that my first weekend back to work will be a long weekend so I won't have to get too used to a 5 day work week :) Iplan to use it to do all the scarpbooking I was going to do this weekend but can't because I'm going to my sister's.
So far today I've done a lot of nothing. I finished typing up my Gospels and Acts notes and I'm going to start on my World Miss notes then I'll be done semester 1!!!!
I think just the fact that I've takenon the endeavour at all shows just how bored I am. I also renewed my driver's licence (which, for all you foreigners, must be done every year in Saskatchewan on the month of your birthday, how lame is that!) and I went to the grocery store for Jam and eggs (that's it, it's all we needed, though I did buy some candy too and some nestea singles sweetened with sucralose. Why bother with the sucralose when you're buying candy? I'm stupid and feebly attemping to loose more weight, emphasis on the feebly). Anyways so ya that's about it.
I bet all you workign people are glaring at the screen right now going "Gee, I wish I could sit on my butt and eat candy all day" - but really it looses it's appeal after awhile and if you saw the size of my butt you would not covet me. But seriously I'm doing pretty good. I've lost almost 40 pounds since new years. Here's I'll show you some pics - though they are not as impressive as on Dr. Phil or something.

Okay I couldn't get them to work. I'll get Jesse to help me and I'll post them later today. Like I said, blog illiterate, but I know I've done it before? Niki you do this all time what am I doing wrong?

Anyways that's all for now because this is bugging me.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Wow, Do I Ever Shut Up?

I know I know. So long between blogs. I've been reading other people's blogs on a daily basis (thanks Niki, Ken, Darrell, and Scott Adams the creator of Dilbert for blogging faithfully) and it's weird because I realized that I feel in touch with these people because I read what's going on in their lives (especially Nix, you sometimes blog 2-3 times a day) but you all have not heard from me at all and have no idea I've been reading your blogs and that I know what's happening and you definitely have no idea what's happening with me. Heck sometimes even my friends here in the city have no idea what's going on. I'll go weeks without talking to Jill and she lives across the back alley and I was maid of honour in her wedding this summer.

I guess that's the first major thing that I did this summer was be in Jill's wedding. I'd never been in a wedding before (that wasn't mine) and it's so different from that side. The whole thing went well and she looked great and they got married, but it made me appreciate my own wedding because we did a lot of things very differently. Don't all you married people ever just want to do the whole wedding thing over again? I mean now that we're married what's there to look forward to? No more diamonds, no more fancy dresses, no more presents (I would register for way better stuff now than I did then). I guess eventually everyone expects us to have kids (yes eventually, as in not any time soon so don't ask) but I mean whoo hoo - what's a pristine white dress, great flowers, and a party with all your friends and family compared to squeezing a small bloody human the size of a football out of an opening the size of a peach pit - what a great day!
Wow I'm ranting now. Back on track.

After Jill's wedding I went to Minot, North Dakota with my mom for a few day and did some shopping which was lots of fun. Then Leanne and Andrew stayed with us for a couple days so we got to see them for a bit outside of a wedding situation (which doesn't happen often). That was great, I really like Leandrew I just wish they lived closer (stupid Winnipeg).
Let's see other than that I did a week of day camp for the city and worked for my dad's BBQ business a couple times. I was supposed to help him with a catering function last weekend (which was my birthday by the way) but I got the flu and couldn't go which sucks because not only did I spend my birthday puking but I missed out on probably $100 worth of wages that we definitely could have used.

But I start my new job on Monday so then we'll have a little more money. Though we still have to pay Jesse's tuition and start making student loan payments (ouch..why did I go to school again? 4 years for nothing). Anyway I'm excited about my new job. I'm working for Sask Drama again (if any of you remember my blogs from last summer) this time as their Administrative Assistant. It's pretty sweet, 9-5, mon-fri, Salary (which works out to about 10.50/hour), holidays off. I'm really psyched about it. Plus I've already worked there which means I can avoid the whole stupid I don't know what I'm doing, where I'm going, or what anybody's name is phase of a new job. I'm loving it. I just hope I love the actual work, I'm really going to try.

I know this blog is long but bear with me. I haven't spoken to you all in months. If you have to take a break, get a cookie.....feel better? good let's keep going.

Let's see. Did I mention that I had a birthday? Well I did, last Friday. Because of Jesse's work schedule we had the party of Thurday which worked out great with my pukiness. It was kinda a surprise, we went over to Jill's (and Jordon's I guess too, but he wasn't there he's back on the rigs) for a BBQ with J and Ethan. It was nice, we don't hang out with our friends enough. I also got flowers, a new electric carpet sweeper (I really wanted it, it's called a Shark and it's amazing, get one, my house has never looked cleaner), an awesome braclet from Jill that she bought me in Mexico on their honeymoon, and letter stamps for J and Ethan for my scrapbooking (which I must say I have become almost obsessive compulsive about, but not nearly as bad as my sister). We also went to Sears and bought the dresser that matches our bed that we have been saving up for all summer.

So what else did I do to fill my time over the summer?
-Well I organized all of our pictures into albums which takes a long time.
-I decided to organize and retype all of my notes from freshman year at CBC. Am I crazy? probably but I was really getting sick of the ripped out notebook pages sticking haphazardly out of the binder that won't fit in the bookself. It'll be nice to have it all organized however after going over my notes I am starting to realize why I only got C+ in Gospels and Acts, my notes suck! Maybe his dreamy voice distracted me.
- I have also been spending a lot of brain time planning my wedding scrapbook which will require printing a lot of pictures and buying a lot of supplies (which I have been picking up as inspiration hits me over the summer), I have taken to scapbooking in my head while I'm tryign to fall asleep. I don't recommend it if sleep is what you're actually aiming for.
- I've also tackled reading the whole Left Behind series, I'm on the 5th or 6th book right now I'm starting to get bored.
As I'm sure you are of my blog. "Who cares?" your starting to say to yourself. So I'll stop. I think maybe I'm just rambling now anyway and nobody asked for a 10 pager. So I'll publish now so that you can all hit me with your barrage of life fulfilling, exhorting and encouraging comments :)

Talk to all later. Ciao

PS: I just realized that some of this post might have have come out sarcastic and a little pessimistic. I really am in a good mood and overall life is great! And I really do want you to comment. Thanks for reading (especially if you made it all the way to the end)