Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Okay this blog doesn't have a title. Well at least it doesn't yet, I may think of one while I'm typing but so I far I haven't decided what I'm going to write about and nobody pays attention to the titles anyways so I'm going to move on...

Today is December 15th and life is pretty good. My class is done for the semester (I wrote my Final on Monday) and I think I did okay on it (not great but in that 75-80% range that isn't really up to my standard but usually gets people angry at me when I say that I think that that's a bad grade). I'm just happy that it's done. My last day of work before Christmas is next Thursday and then I don't have to be back until probably the 3rd (maybe even the 8th) and the best part is that I get payed the whole time! Today I'm at work by myself (my boss took the day off to go Christmas shopping, I wish I could do that? What does she do ont he weekends?!) so I can slack off a little - well a lot -I have so stuff to do but nothing that's going to take me 8 hours for sure so I'll probably leave at about 3-3:30. Tonight Jesse and I are going to the expensive theatre to see Eragon. The review I heard on it wasn't that great (he called it "Lord of the Rings Light") but the book was FANTASTIC (the reviewer didnt' even know it was a Trilogy) and what does he know anyway he liked that new Mel Gibson movie about that Tribe that kills each other! I also want to see the new Will Smith movie so maybe we'll see that instead I haven't really decided. Either way we're going out and we're having popcorn and the whole nine yards because we're done Finals and we got paid today! Then tomorrow we're going to spend the 4 hours at BestBuy because we're getting our car starter installed. I hope they don't take any longer than that but we can wander around and go for lunch and stuff. It'll be good.

On the dentist front I was there on Tuesday and got 3 fillings done and they finished my cleaning. I have to go back next Thursday for 3 more fillings (I have an appointment anyway but I may have to cancel so that I can drive Jill to the bus depot) and I still have a wisdom tooth that needs extracting. They're really pushing me to get braces but I don't think that we can afford them (my insurance only covers half - does anyone know how much they cost?) and it will cost me money just to get the assessment done to see what I need. Anybody want to lendmoney to a poor girl with crooked teeth? (just kidding..unless.... ;) )

So that's about it I think. This post is getting pretty long and you're probably doen reading anyway. Thanks to everyone who sent Christmas cards - and especially to Ken and Kathy for including a nice letter type update. I should have done that. Anyways gotta go pretend I'm working.


Friday, December 01, 2006

Dentist Part 2

Okay so I went to the dentist on tuesday. I went okay except that the two of the three reasons I picked this dentist went out the window. First it's close to home (which it stil is), second I picked it because they do direct billing, and third I picked it because they have an orthodontist. Well it turns out they don't do direct billing anymore (some sort of lame privacy issue) what they will do is electronically submit your forms so that you get your money faster but you still have to pay upfront (yah for credit cards) but since I got a new dentist (who was really nice by the way) his electronic submission thingy isn't set up yet so I have to mail the forms in myself anyways. Then we we started talking about my orthodontia (sp?) it turns out that the orthodontist is not at their office but at their office at Normanview mall (now for those of you who know Regina that's about as far from the Southland Mall, where my dentist is, as you can get) so I'm kinda miffed. But before I can even consider affording my braces (of which I will have to pay half) I need 6 fillings and my last wisdom tooth out. So that's my dentisting experience. Oh yah and they were not impressed with my lack of flossing which totally made my gums bleed when I did my cleaning and now I have to go back to finish my cleaning because she couldn't finish with my gums all puffy and sore. So yah that's about it. I have a busy weekend this weekend. Maybe I'll write more about it later.
