Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I have a dentist appointment this afternoon. In about 45 minutes actually. EEEK! I hate the dentist, but I do love that clean feeling you have after they scrape at you :) Well I should go the weather is bad and they want me there early. Tell you more about it tomorrow.


Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm Hungry

Here's just a quick one before lunch.

Not much has been going on we've just been busy. Class is almost over (only 2 more and a final) and my prof pushed back the due date for my paper so I'm really happy. I've registered for class for next semester - Sociology of Gender (does that sound good to anyone else?) but it's on tuesdays so that means that I have to drop youth, I'm kinda sad about it but I'm kinda not. My heart just isn't in it this year and they have lots of help so they don't really need me. It's also the fact that I'm finding it hard to find the energy to do full time work plus school let alone youth and young marrieds, and maybe some workout time. I don't knwo maybe I'm just lazy but I really need my at home time watching tv or reading or I tend to get really stressed.

On the good front I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I've finished all of my shopping and now we still just need to order Christmas cards and set up the tree. We're going to my parents' this year. None of this trapsing all over Alberta trying to see all of the extended family. It's not happening. Maybe next year :P

Well that's about it I think. I'm hungry and I want to go for lunch. I hope this blog satisfies you for now.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

2 1/2 Weeks

Wow, it's been 2 and a half weeks since I last blogged! I can't believe how busy it's been. It's wasn't even the kind of two and a half weeks where I was like "oh yah I should blog today...well maybe tomorrow" it was the kind of two and a half weeks where I was on my computer today and I was like "oh yah...blogs...what are those again?". I have to admit that I haven't even been reading them let alone writing. Sorry Nix...there's just no way I'm going to be able to go back and read everything you've written, that would take me another two weeks.

But other than that I've been bust I've been good.

We've finally dealt with the whole car situation. We were driving home last monday after Jesse picked me up from class and our car died half a block from the apartment (this is still the old car, we had been waiting like 4 weeks for our optra to come in). Great! we thought. If we had just bought a car a month ago this would be someone else's problem. So we called to dealer and complained that we no longer had a car and we've been waiting forever so he got us a courtesy car for absolutely free which was great! Then last weekend Jesse's parents came to visit before his dad started his new job (contract work, yah money!) and they managed to get the old car running just in time for the new car to come in on monday. So we bought our new car on tuesday and gave them back theirs. It was a good deal. Now we have a new car. Yah! I'll try to take some pictures and post them sometime this week. It's a silver optra LS and we really like it, though we also REALLY liked the Cobalt we had to make a choice and we chose OPTRA.

So now that that's done we have to drive the old car up to Melville this weekend so that my dad can sell it for us (we'll get way more for it in Melville than in Regina). We're only going for one day though because I have a 10 page paper to start, and a 4 page paper to re-write, due in 3 weeks but we also have Youth Retreat at the church next weekend. Crazy! I don't know how people manage to work full time and go to school full time and so other stuff like church. I couldn't do it. That's a fact.

So that's all I can think of right now. There's probably more. Important stuff even but I can't think of it right now. So I'm signing off.

Ciao everyone, I miss you all! (because none of my regina friends read this just my really great out of town friends like Ken and Kathy, Nicole, and Kris and Sharkey - I love you guys, please keep reading because I write this for you!)