Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Braces suck! Yes I know that all you out there who have had them are thinking yes they do but it gets better and it's all worth it in the end. Well it's not the end yet and they suck! Can't I be one of those people who says that it doesn't hurt and I can eat everything I ate before. I haven't been able to eat anything harder than Cottage Cheese in 3 days and it's driving me nuts. I tried to eat Sukiaki Beef from Edo Japan today (the best stuff ever) which is basically shredded beef on sticky rice and I couldn't even enjoy it. It hurt to chew (maybe I should've gotten the chicken). So today I'm going to try meatloaf for supper.

Also, I already broken off one bracket and two more are loose. Plus my teeth look worse now than they did when I started. When I went in the Orthodontist tried to floss between my front two teeth and could barely get it in there they were so tight together. Now I have like this huge gap that I can fit my thumbnail in! What's with that! I thought they were supposed to get better not worse. I called her and she said not to worry about and that this was normal but it still sucks.

This better get better. WAY better! And it better be SOOOO worth it. I better look thinner or something when I'm done. Or maybe not being able to eat anything will make me lose weight.
Ask me after my weigh in on Sunday.

Off to eat some (more) yogurt.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Problem With Blogs

The problem with blogs are that once you don't blog for awhile you are less and less inclined to it because it becomes harder and longer. Like now for instance I haven't blogged in a few weeks I think because I've been so busy but I've been putting it off as well because I've been so busy that there's too much to say and I can't remember what I said before. I also assume that most of you who read this regularly are keeping up with me on facebook and therefore are not checking as often. Though I must say that I'm getting kinda bored of facebook and don't go on there much anymore except to change my status and check to see if anyone wrote on my wall or cast a spell on me or something. So that's the problem with blogs - yet since I'm already writing I might as well give a quick update.

We went camping this weekend which was okay once we got settled but I deem that I shall never plan a camping trip again. First people were coming, then they weren't coming, then they were but they were bringing people, then they weren't, then I booked the wrong spot for them so they cancelled and were going early but they couldn't get a spot so they weren't coming, or they were just going to stay with us in our spot. It was a complete gong show! So in the end after all this the only people who came were Jesse and I, J and Ethan, and my Mom (who stayed in our spot) and then my sister's family drove up during the day to visit. This was WAY less people than were originally coming and we ended paying for 3 reservation fees (besides ours) and one extra spot for one night ourselves because we booked other people's spots on our credit cards and they backed out on us. So this was all frustrating to begin with and I almost decided to cancel the whole thing and go somewhere else by ourselves but we didn't. Then to top it all of when we got there (it was like 5 hours away and I drove my Mom's van with no air conditioning) we realized that we left the cooler at home and had no food. It kinda worked out because everyone else brought WAY too much food and shared but I had a little melt down just then in the middle of a public campground and (I'm told) scared a bunch of little kids with my sailor talk (aka I swore a lot). But in the end it worked out okay. I had to share my hammock a little more than I would have liked and I think Jesse and I argue more than my Mom can handle but then as far as I'm concerned she can get her own camping spot next time.

So that's that. Besides the camping and the fact that we are FINALLY finished moving (not unpacking, just moving) not a whole lot is going on. My birthday is coming up next weekend (on the 18th for all of you want to send presents) and then I get my braces on on the 21st and before we know it it will be September and Jesse will be going back to school full time (which will be kinda nice cause then at least I'll know his schedule but I'll miss having his income). This will be his last first day of school in September for hopefully a long time because he'll be convocating next fall (after one summer class). Then he can work and I can go to school and kick out a couple of babies. Sounds like a plan to me :)

Well that's all I think. I should go back to work. Hopefully I'll blog again soon but maybe not - we'll see.
