Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Wow I haven't blogged in so long and so much has happened that I had to go back and read my previous blog so that I knew how to update you all.

My long weekend went well ( I think...I don't really remember) and so did my weekend in Minot with my Mom. We ate wayyyyy to much great food and shopped for clothes. It was fun. But now I'm back to work and focusing on moving. We got the keys on Monday night but I honestly haven't had any time to go over there or start moving since. Jesse did the walk though check with the Manager Lady yesterday so it's officially ours to do what we will with from now on. So tomorrow is going to be a big day of packing and moving. The best part about it being so close is that we can kinda pack and move at the same time. I thought our current apartment was small until I started pulling things out of all the drawers, cupboards, and shelves and started stacking them in boxes out of their nice little hiding places. You can barely breathe in there right now and we've hardly packed anything really. I can't wait to get some of this stuff out. I truly believe that there is nothing more liberating than packing up all your possessions and stripping your living space bare and clean then starting all over. I love the look of an empty room or apartment. It's so freeing.

On a completely different note we went to see the new Harry Potter movie yesterday. It was so good. In some ways I liked it better than the book and that's saying A LOT. You all should definitely go see it. Then tonight my sister, brother-in-law, little brother and Jesse are all going to the football game. I really considered going this time. I just know that the only reason I want to go is to hang with everyone and I have no real interest whatsoever in watching the game which will drive everyone else nuts. So I gave my ticket to my brother. I don't really understand the interest in watching sports. I don't even like playing them that much why would you want to sit for hours and watch them? Though I've never been much of a dancer but I could sit and watch a dance performance for quite awhile. I remember skipping a whole day of class once in High School because they were using the auditorium for the dance school performances and adjudications and I just sat and watched all day. I even watched some dances more than once. I think it has something to do with the music.

Anyways that's about all that's new for now. I guess it's not that much but it sure feels like it.
