Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

So much time - so few blogs

Hi out there in blogger world! It's been awhile. I'd like to say that I've been too busy to blog but that you be a lie - I'm too lazy. My Chistmas went well. The whole family was at my parents' for 3 whole days which was nice because usually either my sister's family or Jesse and I have some other family to rush off to and we're lucky if we all get a day together but this year it worked out well for everyone so we got to actually spend some time. My nephews are now just getting old enough that Christmas is a lot of fun. Santa brought them hot wheels this year and they LOVED it! We had a good time (despite my allergies which always bother me at my parents' house)

We came home on boxing day because Jesse had to work (yah for extra shifts on Christmas break) and so I had a whole week at home after Christmas with absolutely nothing to do before I had to come back to work. It was GREAT! I sat around and did nothing, watched tv, played GameCube (I bought Jesse Paper Mario for Christmas and I've become obsessed with it, we've banked about 30 hours of playing time since the 27th and we've almost passed the game). I felt so relaxed when it was timeto come back to work Wednesday it was really nice. But now I'm back and things are starting to get back to normal. Jesse and I both start class again on Tuesday and then Jesse has youth that night (I'm not doing it becasue my night class is on tuesdays this semester and they have lots of help so I'm not worried about it). I've also been going to the dentist (I got three fillings yesterday on top of the three I got before Christmas) now all I need is a wisdom tooth pulled on teh 20th before I go to the orthodobntist (dundundun). Jesse parents have VERY nicely agreed to lend/give us the money so that I can finally get braces (my health plan covers half). I'm kinda nervous about it.

I kinda have the feeling that I've blogged about some of this before. Maybe I should go back and read what I've written. Either way this is updated.

So that's about it. After the orthodontist I plan to go for a new eye exam so that I can get some contacts again (I don't want to be the geek with glasses AND braces) :)
Jesse needs new contacts too so maybe that's what all the extra money for his working over the break will buy - or maybe it should pay some tuition? Nah!

Well it's 10 after 4 and I should go home. After all I'm only paid until 5:00. :) I love my job!
