Life as I know it

or at least I think I do?

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Location: Regina, Sask, Canada

I live in Regina, Sask. I might not be the most avid blogger but I am one of the world's most wonderful people so read on to hear more about life as I know it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Wow it's been a long time

It's been so long since I blogged that I actually had to open another browser to read my blog as I was typing this to see what I last told you guys. I know I'm the worst blogger ever.
It's been a pretty lazy Sunday so far. Not doing much just making some Chilli and thinking about scrapbooking. Taking a break before I start a new practicum tomorrow. Yes that means I am done classes!!!!! WOO HOO! If I never have to go back to SIAST again it'll be too soon. It sucks because I have managed to work up a strong dislike for both of the post-secondary institutions in Regina. I guess we'll have to move or I'll have to stop going to school.
We'll I start my practicum at the Regina Christian School tomorrow and we'll have to see how that goes. I think it'll either be really great or I'll hate it. We'll see, so far the people seem nice enough but they made me come in to be "approved". It's a practicum people, FREE HELP!!!
Anyways other than that I am looking for a summer job again, which I think I am destined for for the rest of my life. I got a phone call today from the city of Regina about being a program leader for one of their summer programs so that would be great. I just hope they can work out an interview time for me since I can't come in during the day.
Let's see....what else is new....? Well Jesse's parents moved from Vancouver and are staying with the grandparents in Drumheller right now waiting for Natalie (Jesse's brother's wife) to pop out a kid any day now. They are all coming out (the parents and the grandparents, not Natalie and the kid) to visit us on the long weekend which will be okay exept there's nothing to do in Regina and we don't have a big enough apartment for everyone to sit in let alone eat a meal so it might be an interesting weekend.
I just realized as I was thinking of posting pictures and realizing that I don't really have any on my computer (they're all on Jesse's) that I haven't blogged since we gave away the kitten. Yes, we finally found someone to take him and I was sad for a long time after (Jesse had to buy me a slushshake). So here's a picture of him as a tribute.

Bye Bye Baby Kitten :(

Well I think that's everything. It's been so long that I'm sure I left some stuff out so feel free to ask questions.
